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Global network and cooperations

Unity that goes beyond all borders

We live in a globalised, networked world in which collaboration and an exchange of knowledge is particularly important. It is all the more crucial for us to establish partnerships and manage our own customer-oriented brand portfolio.

The Bundesvereinigung Logistik e.V. is an active network of experts with industry insiders from industry, trade, services and science.

econsense is a sustainability network with the target of actively shaping the transition to a more sustainable economy.

We are a member of Forschungsgemeinschaft für Logistik e.V. – a non-profit association.

We belong to Forum Intralogistik, a consortium of the intralogistics sector.

HSBA provides expertise in theory and practice: cooperative education and applied sciences at Hamburg's private business school.

The industry association of Hamburg unites the interests of the industrial location of Hamburg and is part of the BDI The Voice of German Industry.

We are a member of the IRMA initiative, which is committed to responsible mining.

MRD is a subsidiary of the German Federal Association of Machinery Cooperatives (BMR e.V.), which represents the interests of more than 200,000 german farmers.

NORDAKADEMIE is the first private university in Germany to have been established and funded by businesses.

The NORDMETALL employers’ association represents companies from the metal and electrical industries in northern Germany.

We are clearly committed to the 1.5° target of the Paris Climate Agreement and have joined the SBTi in this context.

Supralift is a major online marketplace for used forklift trucks, offering a wide range of pre-owned forklifts.

The "50 Sustainability & Climate Leaders" initiative has set itself the goal of taking a leading role in the fight against climate change.

We are foundation member of the German Design Council, Germany’s leading authority on design and brands to promote society’s awareness of design.

We support The Climate Pledge initiative and are committed to achieving the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement by 2040 at the latest.

We respect the ten principles with regard to human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The German Mechanical and Plant Engineering Association (VDMA) is one of the country's key lobby groups.



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