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Stage Refinanzierung
Solid financial basis


Jungheinrich AG secures the Group’s liquidity via bilateral credit lines and capital market instruments.

Picture Refanzierung 1 Refinancing

Jungheinrich AG follows a conservative, long-term strategy in its corporate financing. We maintain long-standing and trusting relationships with a group of German and international banks within the scope of bilateral financing. Since 2004, we have also used the capital market as another source of financing. Both types of refinancing support the liquidity management of the entire Jungheinrich Group.

Picture Schuldscheindarlehen

Promissory Notes

Jungheinrich AG has been a regular issuer on the promissory note market since 2004 and has since issued promissory note loans totalling over €400 million.

Picture Commercial Paper

Commercial Paper

The commercial paper programme enables Jungheinrich AG to make flexible use of the opportunities offered by the capital market to cover its short-term financing needs.

Commercial Paper Programme


Jungheinrich AG

Programme volume:

€300 million

Term:At least 1 day and at most 364 days

Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft


Bayerische Landesbank, BNP Paribas, Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft, DZ BANK AG Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank, Frankfurt am Main


Picture Lars Kopper

Lars Kopper

Head of Group Treasury

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