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Picture of Jungheinrichs oldest Retrak

Retrak Rebuild: An adventure in restoration

A 65-year-old Retrak, possibly one of Jungheinrich's first reach trucks, is the focus of this five-part video series. Can we get this historic truck back on the road?

Episode 1: Retrak? – Jungheinrich employees become aware of an old reach truck at a vineyard. One of the first series. Can the vehicle, which is more than 65 years old, be brought back to life? A restoration thriller begins.

Episode 2: Back! – The vintage truck is to be restored at Jungheinrich's traditional plant in Norderstedt. The truck is brought to the factory "on a drip". An initial assessment by the experts quickly makes it clear that the end of the project could be lurking behind every component.

Episode 3: Reserve? – The truck is completely dismantled: what works, what needs replacing? Parts are still missing, but the rescue is closer than expected. Just a few kilometres away is a Retrak from 1960, which is to be used as a spare parts store. Will the parts fit?

Episode 4: Connected. – All the individual parts have been cleaned and painted true to the original. Finally, the assembly begins. Piece by piece, a long-lost part of the company's history is being recreated. But what do the experts do with the battery?

Episode 5: Is it running? – The restoration work is complete and initial functional tests are promising. But will the Retrak really be as new in the end – after more than 65 years?


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